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What can Great Fundraising do for your organisation?

Ever wondered what Great Fundraising can do for your organisation?

If you are trying to achieve:


  • Internal alignment around a unifying Purpose.

  • Emotional differentiation of your organisation in the marketplace.

  • More mission-driven donors and engaging people with your cause.


Then Great Fundraising is definitely for you.


Our Great Fundraising programme is a multi-year journey to achieve significant income growth to drive your mission.


It starts with the Great Fundraising Masterclass where you will get these outcomes:


  • Education – from academic research and action research.

  • Inspiration – global non-profit case studies and our own experience.

  • Design – proven techniques for creating the Building Blocks of Great Fundraising organisations. 


With a focus on Great Fundraising organisations in the Netherlands this new webinar is your opportunity to ask Alan Clayton, CEO at Revolutionise, the big question ‘What is in it for me?’


With Alan Clayton, Hans Broodman and Vera Peerdeman.


For any questions or booking information, please contact

1 November

Great Fundraising Masterclass

29 January

Great Fundraising Masterclass with Nassau Fundraising