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Great Fundraising Masterclass

This masterclass is an outstanding opportunity to learn the culture, behaviours and leadership required for your organisation to achieve Great Fundraising.

Attending this Masterclass will give you the tools and confidence to radically change your internal culture and create a whole organisation focused and energised behind fundraising leading to sustainable growth.

Your Great Fundraising experience is delivered conveniently online over four half days of intensive and hands-on learning, using a combination of training sessions and group work where you will practice applying the learnings.

It is based on the findings of the Great Fundraising Report – by leading fundraising Professors, Adrian Sargeant and Jen Shang. Download research here

With Fiona McPhee and Maree Daniels.

Any questions, and booking information, please contact

22 March

The Behaviours of the Great Fundraising CEO

9 May

Introduction To The Great Fundraising Organisations